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The One Email You Should Always Send – No Matter What

More opens. More clicks. Better email deliverability. Less spam complaints.  One  email can help you accomplish all of this.  It’s the welcome email!   Although it’s the first email subscribers receive (after the confirmation email if you use confirmed opt-in), it may be the most important email you send.  And there’s no reason not to send it.  Between the awesome results you can get and the ease of setting it up, the welcome email is the one email you should always be sending – no matter what. If you’re wondering why it’s so important and how you can write an amazing welcome email yourself, read this article. And then set up your welcome email. Why welcome emails Welcome emails get amazing results. In fact,  they get open rates that are 4 times higher and click-through rates that are 5 times higher than other emails . Here at AWeber, we often see welcome emails with open rates above 90 percent and click-through rates above 50 percent. That’s amazing! Welcome emails ge

You Don’t Need 10,000 Subscribers – Here’s Why

“More subscribers, more sales.”   This is the typical New Year’s resolution for an email marketer. Every other marketing blog and guru wants to teach you how get your next 10,000 subscribers or offer “the secret technique” to quadrupling your list growth overnight. You can attend webinars, buy info products and take online courses to help you build an impressively long list of email addresses in a database. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but before you start plugging away daily growth goals in a spreadsheet and investing in high-converting plugins and widgets, take a few moments to solidify a holistic strategy focused on  why  you are marketing in the first place. You may not need a quarter-million subscribers to hit your goals. Don’t get me wrong. Growing your list is important, exciting and rewarding. Quantity is important, but it’s quality that converts.  So rather than defaulting to the mindset of “more, more, more…”, consider these alternative resolutions for 2017

Android Trojan Spying on More Than 40 Apps

With the prevalence of Google Android smartphones and the popularity of feature-rich apps, more and more people rely on smartphones to store and handle kinds of personal and business information which attracts adversaries who want to steal that information. Recently, Palo Alto Networks researchers discovered an advanced Android malware named “SpyDealer”. Spy app exfiltrates private data from more than 40 apps and steals sensitive messages from communication apps by abusing the Android accessibility service feature. SpyDealer uses exploits from a commercial rooting app to gain root privilege, which enables the subsequent data theft. SpyDealer has many capabilities, including: Exfiltrate private data from more than 40 popular apps including: WeChat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, Line, Viber, QQ, Tango, Telegram, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, Android Native Browser, Firefox Browser, Oupeng Brower, QQ Mail, NetEase Mail, Taobao, and Baidu Net Disk Abuses the  Android Accessibility S

How Much Online Advertising Costs

Growing your business through online advertising has never been easier. That said, there’s a lot of information to get your head around, and for newcomers to online advertising, it can be a little intimidating to say the least.  Every online advertising platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, and there are dozens of ad formats, campaign types, and performance metrics for advertisers to consider. Underneath it all, however, is always the same burning question:   “How much is this going to cost me?”'   Today we’ll be taking an in-depth look at advertising costs on three of the largest online advertising platforms – Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Instagram. We’ll examine the relative costs of advertising on Google, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each online ad platform. Finally, we’ll investigate how each platform measures up in terms of performance, and there will be plenty of real-world data and research throughout.