The One Email You Should Always Send – No Matter What

More opens. More clicks. Better email deliverability. Less spam complaints. One email can help you accomplish all of this.  It’s the welcome email!   Although it’s the first email subscribers receive (after the confirmation email if you use confirmed opt-in), it may be the most important email you send.  And there’s no reason not to send it.  Between the awesome results you can get and the ease of setting it up, the welcome email is the one email you should always be sending – no matter what.

If you’re wondering why it’s so important and how you can write an amazing welcome email yourself, read this article. And then set up your welcome email.

Why welcome emails

Here at AWeber, we often see welcome emails with open rates above 90 percent and click-through rates above 50 percent. That’s amazing!
Welcome emails get such great results because they arrive in your subscriber’s inbox at the peak of their interest – when they’ve just signed up for your email list. And often times, welcome emails contain the incentives businesses promise on their sign up forms. So subscribers are eagerly awaiting those emails and their freebies.
At other times, subscribers are excited about signing up for a newsletter, and the welcome email gives them a sneak peek into what they’ll be receiving.
Whatever the scenario is, welcome emails consistently perform well and can do a lot towards improving your email marketing strategy. For example, a great welcome email will:
  • Help to improve your email deliverability
  • Get more emails to subscribers’ primary inboxes
  • Boost open rates and click-through rates for future emails
  • Decrease spam complaints and unsubscribes
  • Help you sell your product or service
And more.
But there are a few key things you should do in your welcome email to earn these kinds of results. In fact, there are five things every welcome email should include. Keep reading to learn about them here  <<=>>  


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